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February 2, 2013 by admin

Because being a mom is hard.

Because living sanely in today’s world is even harder.

Because kids say funny shit.

Because I can’t really say the word “shit” any other place but here.

Because life can be beautiful, chaotic, tragic, wonderful, horrible, heartbreaking and breathtaking. Sometimes even all at once.

Because people piss you off. Make you happy. Confuse you. Understand you. Help you. Hate you. Love you.

Because embarrassing the people you love and outing the people you don’t can be witty and cathartic.

Because funny things happen. Because crappy things happen. Because things are happening at all.

Because balancing kids (the PBJ) and self (the Chardonnay) is a constant struggle. I mean, it’s really f’ing hard.

Because sometimes you cuddle your kids close and feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven.

Because other times you run into your room, slam the door, cover your eyes and insanely mouth “Leave me the fuck alone!”

Because sometimes going out for “one” glass of wine with your friends ends up being a 4am shit show.

Because sometimes eating dinner at 4pm and putting on PJ’s at 5 is your best option.

Because I’m a writer.

These are some of the reasons I’m starting PBJ and Chardonnay. I hope you’ll eventually see something that will make you want to read along.

Cast of Main Characters: 

Me: Mom. Disorganized Do-Gooder. I always mean well, but am, in general, an all-around hot mess. I frequently set myself up by taking on too many projects/activities/to-do lists without a solid plan.

Rich: Dad. Hockey coach. Bread winner. Rational thinker. Means what he says. Says what he means.

Braedan: Sweet second-grader who, like most boys his age, frequently exhibits egotistical behavior. Braedan is smart, kind and lives and breathes to bust his brother’s ass.

Colin: Happy-go-lucky almost-four-year-old who is starting to come into his own. And by that I mean that he is learning to bust back.

Aria: Ahhhh. My GIRL! The girl we thought for sure would be a boy. At 15 months, she can do no wrong. But we know we are eventually in for a world of hurt.


  1. Amy says:

    Michelle, I love it! What a great inauguration! Now go get some Chardonnay! Can’t wait to read more.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks, Amy! I look to POTL for inspiration.

  3. Linda says:

    Love this! It’s amazing, you’re amazing! Can’t wait to read more posts 🙂 love youuu

  4. Annie says:

    Yay! Can’t wait to read more. Good luck, Michelle!

  5. Laura says:

    What a great idea! Looking forward to reading more about your beautiful family. Good luck, Michelle.

  6. Laura says:

    Stumbled upon your blog! It is super funny and great fun to read. Happy blogging!

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